- On Sunday, January 27th, THIS SUNDAY, Anna and the French Kiss will be available wherever ebooks are sold for only $2.99. What's more, (yes! there's more!) Stephanie Perkins will be posting a deleted chapter that was cut from the last part of the book.
- Reckless by Cornelia Funke, the first in the German Mirrorworld series translated by Oliver Latsch is available as a free download right now from B&N, and $2.99 elsewhere. Full disclosure, I haven't yet read this one, but it pops up a lot with quite a few books I really enjoyed and I'm looking forward to giving it a shot.
- Lish McBride has a new original short story set in the Necromancer world entitled Heads Will Roll. And, naturally, it's FREE. Go get it.
Author Interviews:
- Tor had a six-question interview with Sarah Rees Brennan, but wow! were her answers potent. Her entire response to the question asking for her thoughts on the relationship between YA, fantasy, and gender had me fist pumping, but I thought this bit was particularly funny:
I have heard such dismissals many times! I will never forget being on a panel where I said “People love Twilight” and an unwary guy piped up “GIRLS love Twilight.” At which point I about dived over the table at him, snarling “GIRLS ARE PEOPLE.”
- The Hub has a short but entertaining interview with Rachel Hartman, full of book recs, talk of music, and jokes:
[I]t turns out (to my great astonishment) that no matter how much praise or how many nominations my book garners, I still have to do laundry and get groceries and wait in traffic. I still got the flu. I was like, “Flu virus! Don’t you know who I am? My novel is very popular!” and the bug was like, “Kiss my hemagglutinin, lady!” So that didn’t help at all.
(BTW, if you haven't yet read Seraphina, or her new prequel short story The Audition, do it NOW! Before Drachomachia comes out this fall!)
Literacy Promotion:
- TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO APPLY TO BE A GIVER FOR WORLD BOOK NIGHT!!! Hurry if you want to take part in a really fun event.
- Also, February 14 is not just Valentine's Day, but also International Book Giving Day. It's a lot more low key and the website has tons of easy ways to participate. Go sign up! (via Seven Impossible Things)
Until next week!