- YALSA’s 2013 Hub Reading Challengebegins at 12:01AM EST on February 3 and ends at 11:59PM EST on June 22. The goal is to read/listen to 25 of the 83 titles on the list of eligible titles, all of which were either winners or honor titles for various awards. Considering how few of this years winners I had actually read, this would have been a great challenge to participate in! Plus, those who complete the challenge are eligible to submit a response for one of the books they've read to be published on The Hub, and are entered to win a grand prize of a YALSA tote bag full of 2012 and 2013 YA lit!
- Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer is hosting a "Take Control of Your TBR Pile Read-a-Thon" from March 15th to 18th. I could really use something like this! I've got scads of new books that I genuinely want/wanted to read piling up, but I can't seem to get myself motivated to actually read them. Instead, I've reading and rereading (mostly rereading!) sequels to my favorite urban fantasy series, as well as my favorite old gothic novels. It's fun and unchallenging reading, but it doesn't exactly make for new material for the blog!
And now for a list of (some of) the cool links I've been finding around the web -- I usually only post about 1/3 or 1/4 of what I've found. Perhaps I should start doing this twice a week!
Interesting Reads:
- Sarah from Clear Eyes, Full Shelves had a great opinion piece on the "rights" and "wrongs" of reading -- or rather, how there isn't a right or wrong way to interpret what you read. She brought up many good points, and the discussion continues to be engaging into the comments.
- Kelly from Radiant Shadows really caught my attention with her post on the Bechdel Test in YA. It really surprised me when I thought about how few books I had recently read within the genre would actually pass! For those who are unfamiliar with the Bechdel Test, it is a test measuring female presence in fictional media. To pass the test, if must 1) include at least two named women, 2) who have at least one conversation, 3) that is about something other than a man or men. Kelly does a much better job of talking about it, so check that out!
New to the Online Reading Community:
- A brand new website just launched called Bookish. From what I've read, it is pretty similar to Goodreads or LibraryThing, with an added component of reader advisory-ish picked book recommendations? In my experience, computer generated book recommendations are rarely as successful as reader advisory, you know, from a librarian or fellow book lover. We'll see. (via Tor)
- I've also recently stumbled upon Books That Changed Me, a tumblr where you can submit a response/review/essay/call-it-what-you-will about a book or books that have changed you in some way. It is a fascinating look at how different people read books, and what they take away from them.
And Just for Fun:
- Presidential Monsters! Action figures that are a mash-up of the residents of Pennsylvania Ave and our favorite horrific creatures. I seriously want to buy Wolf Bill for my mother. (via Tor)